Saturday, 18 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

Permission for use of image obtained from

A very big thank you to everyone who's shown their support for Connor by following the blog.  He hasn't always found his new way of life easy and I'm sure it's been uplifting for him to know that his friends and family are all behind him.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

Home safe and sound!

Despite the snow, Connor is home at last.  I'm so pleased he's made it through the first term and I'm sure he's ready for his well-earned rest.  When I get chance to see him is anybody's guess though because the snow here is already at least six inches deep and doesn't show any sign of stopping!  At least I can text and ring him any time I like now and I'm likely to get a response :-)

Friday, 3 December 2010

Home in the snow

Well, we are knee-deep in snow and my baby is on his way home by train!  I did try advising him that perhaps it wasn't the best idea he's ever had but he wasn't buying into that.  Even if he gets home tonight, I'm not sure that he'll make it back in time for his deadline on Sunday evening!  Fingers crossed that the snow thaws by then.

Sunday, 28 November 2010


I hadn't known until last week that Connor was intending coming home this weekend, but as soon as I found out, I was really excited.  I'd planned to take him to see my new nephew - his new cousin, but as I'm not too well at the moment I thought it best not to go.  I realise that he's a 16 year old boy and doesn't really want to spend every free weekend with his old mum but I was still looking forward to seeing him, if only for an hour or so while I drove him back to barracks.  Gutted I was when he said his Dad was taking him back to the AFC without me having seen him.  Ah well, I had to be pleased for him really because he doesn't often spend much time with his Dad and there's only three more weeks to go until he finishes for Christmas and I'll definitely be seeing him then. 

Monday, 22 November 2010

Connor's latest update

From the telephone conversation I've just had it sounds as though Connor's starting to enjoy himself again.  He's made no further complaints about the bothersome injury that seemed to be distressing him so much just a few weeks ago, and his flu symptoms have now dissipated.  The three nights on exercise seem to have re-invigorated him, despite it being cold (-4 degrees!), muddy and physically draining.  He seemed particularly impressed with himself for staying awake on stag duty (night watch) lying face down in a cold and muddy pit for six whole hours!  Having said that, I think the prospect of losing a week's wages as punishment for falling asleep on duty was probably deterrent enough!  For someone who used to earn only ₤12 a week from a newspaper round prior to joining the army he seems to have become quite adept at clearing his wages every month!  He has a skiing trip booked for January and is touring Spain with his hockey team in February.  He used to play for a local hockey team while he was still at school and I'm pleased that he's taken it up again.

I'm really looking forward to seeing him this weekend as all being well, he's intending coming home.  He hasn't been home for five weeks and I think he's looking forward to a break and a little bit of TLC before the final stretch before Christmas.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Civilian to Soldier link

Just in case you were wondering, I've removed the link to the BBC i-player for the Civilian to Soldier film footage as it's now been removed from the i-player and is no longer available for viewing. 

Home safe and sound!

Connor's been on exercise in the Yorkshire countryside this week so I'm pleased that the weather has been better this week than of late.  He'd promised to ring me on Saturday when he'd arrived back and warmed up a bit, so I sat there all day like a lonely old fool, waiting for his call, grabbing my phone every time it sounded, but he didn't ring.  He still hadn't telephoned by 9.30pm so I texted him.  I knew he was back though because a soldier from another platoon had let it slip on the AFC's Facebook site that they'd been back since early in the afternoon and had been spotted in their lines polishing their rifles!  Anyway, it was only a brief text conversation but enough for me to know that he's ok and that he's been busy since returning, sorting out his kit and so on.  Hopefully, if I'm lucky, he might get a few minutes to chat tonight.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Sick soldier - again!

So much for being a super-tough junior soldier!  The poor little chap, after having his flu jab last week, has now got a throat infection, a chest infection and a small dose of the flu and is feeling very sorry for himself.  Especially since he had breathing difficulties whilst doing PT this morning and ended up being whisked down to the medical centre! 

On Friday and Saturday nights the junior soldiers are allowed to order in food, so in an attempt to cheer himself up he's put his order in for pizzas tonight and is looking forward to going shopping in town tomorrow, followed by Rememberance Parade and go-karting on Sunday.  Knowing what a hypochondriac he's become, it's to be hope he comes back from go-karting in one piece!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

BBC Film of Connor's College - preview

Tune in to BBC2 at 15:05 on Saturday 13th November to see the BBC footage of the junior recruits!  Here's a bit of a preview!

News at last!

I've been lucky enough to grab a quick half hour on the telephone with Connor this evening.  He had lots of news to share.  I was interested to know in particular, how they'd conducted Remebrance day today.  At 11am this morning, as I was observing the 2-minute silence with hundreds of others, my thoughts were actually with Connor. I imagined that there would be lots of marching, followed by the silence and a lone bugle playing the last post.  It turns out that it wasn't actually quite like that and that due to the weather, the junior soldiers conducted their remembrance parade in the drill shed!  They're parading in a town somewhere on Sunday, although Connor wasn't sure where. 

Tomorrow, Connor's section have Battle PT, which by all accounts is physical training involving belly-crawling through lots of mud!  Given the amount of rain we've had recently, I imagine that it will be suitably muddy for them.

He's full of a cold and was sneezing and coughing down the phone.  Some of the lads have been really poorly resulting from being on exercise out on the Yorkshire Moors in this dreadful weather.  Connor's a tough cookie though and I'm sure he'll survive although I think he's secretly hoping that this weather will last into next week so that his platoon will stay at base instead of going out on manouvres! I can't say that I blame him either :-)

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

No news must be good news!

I have no news in particular from Connor but I know people have been checking back here regularly and must be wondering what's happening.  Well, I did hear from him briefly by way of text at the weekend, just to say that his platoon had done really well and come second in the leadership activities that took place last week.  I'm not sure what that entailed as I haven't had a chance to speak to him at length.  He rang briefly a couple of nights ago and promsied to phone back when he had more time, but I've heard nothing since then.  I can only assume that no news is good news, that he's busy and that he must be enjoying himself, given that I've received no message to the contrary.  A little while ago, I mentioned that he seemed down in the dumps due to an injury, which he has not mentioned since, so I suspect that that has resolved itself too. 

As soon as I hear from him, you'll be the first to know!

Friday, 29 October 2010

Panic over

Well, he's absolutely fine!  He was in good spirits when I picked him up this evening although extremely tired following a whole day out shooting at the rifle range yesterday and a 10 mile run this afternoon!  The rifle range sounded fun - bullets zipping just above his head as he sat in a bunker close to the targets, being covered in cement and soil every so often as a bullet whizzed past the target and blasted into the target housing. Connor enjoyed it anyway, although I can't say it sounds like my idea of fun!

Home for the weekend!

I'm beside myself with excitement as I'm going to collect Connor and his mate Jack from the AFC this afternoon.  For the first six weeks of training the junior soldiers never had a moment's peace from early in the morning 'til late at night, weekends included, but since they returned from leave their evenings and weekends are now their own.  Having said that, they appear to have a busy schedule ahead until the next leave on 17th December, so Connor and Jack have decided to come home for the weekend as they may not get another chance until then.  Rather that methinks, than them being let loose in Harrogate! 

Connor seemed a bit fed up last night when I spoke to him, largely due to an injury that's bothering him (although not the nose!).  Perhaps it'll do him good to come home for the weekend but I was really surprised to hear the strain in his voice, especially after he'd spent the whole of his leave week pining to go back "home" as he calls it.  I'm moderately concerned in all honesty, as even when he smashed his nose he was still really upbeat on the telephone.  Perhaps I'll get to the bottom of it when I pick him up in a couple of hours.

Help for Heroes update:  In the last week, we have earned a very pitiful £zero for Help for Heroes so please, don't forget when you make your Amazon purchases, use the link in the side bar to the right of the main blog and help us to raise funds for our chosen charity this Christmas.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

New Amazon link

Help us to raise funds for Help for Heroes.  Click on the Amazon link in the sidebar to make your Amazon purchases as usual and Soldier at Sixteen will receive a small commission (no extra cost to you).  Between now and Christmas Day, any commission received from this link will be donated to Help for Heroes.  I'll keep you posted of the amount we raise as we go along. Happy Christmas Shopping! :-D

Saturday, 16 October 2010


It has kindly been brought to my attention that I forgot to mention the nose yesterday!  For those of you who won't get an opportunity to see Connor while he's on leave this time then I'm overjoyed to be able to say that his nose has made a complete recovery and looks no different to what it did before the accident!  I was quite nervous about seeing him yesterday, not knowing what to expect, but he looks exactly the same as he did before, so absolutely no worries! :-D 

If you've only just tuned in and am wondering what on earth I'm talking about, then check it out here.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Finally! The Passing-In Parade.

Today has been absolutely fantastic!  I was fairly stressed out when I arrived at the training college this morning as the Michelin directions had led me on a wild goose chase around the great British countryside!  I eventually arrived at the college about half an hour prior to the event, although I needn't have worried as they were running late.

After a brief presentation in the theatre (just like a commerical one with a huge screen) we were led outside to stand in the icy wind on the parade ground.  Being such a shorty, I was unable to see above the heads of the crowd and it was some 20 or 30 minutes before I even spotted Connor in amongst his platoon!  Mental note to self - take a step to stand on for the Passing Out Parade in August! 

I thought I'd participate in the guided tour of the facilities but as there was only me who signed up for it I decided to let the pour guide off!  By that time however my platoon had disappeared from sight, so I was really lucky and ended up being personally escorted through the barracks by a very pleasant corporal!  I'd like to say that this was the highlight of my day, but seeing Connor in his uniform with his platoon, looking every bit at home, really made my day.     

He's very tired and is junk-food starved, so the first thing we did on the way home was to stop at a burger bar for burgers, chips and coke!  (Sorry Grandma if he didn't eat all his tea!)  I imagine that a few hours on a comfy sofa with the central heating on and he'll be away in the land of nod in no time.

Note for diaries - the BBC have been filming the Company and the programme is due to air at the end of October.  The army have said that they'll let us know when it's due to air.  When I have further information I'll pass it on, so keep checking back!

Thursday, 14 October 2010

One more sleep to go...

Well, tomorrow is the big day - the Passing In Parade.  I'm sooo excited I can't tell you!  I've been like a small child in the run up to Christmas this week.  Everyone who knows me must be sick to death of me exclaiming how excited I am at every opportunity!  I can't help myself, it's part of the job description when you're a mum.  I'm a bit nervous too because I've never been to one of these events before, even though a very good friend of mine was in the RAF for about 20 years, so I don't really know what to expect.  I'm also going alone as John couldn't have the time off work and someone had to take the boys to school and collect them at the end of the day, bless him!  Everyone else will be there in couples or families and I'll be on my little Jack Jones.  Ah well, can't be helped.  I'm sure I'll still enjoy it and I'm just really grateful that I've been allowed the time off work to attend. 

Connor rang a couple of days ago to finalise arrangements for tomorrow and just happened to ask me if he'd mentioned his foot at all.  Hmm, I thought to myself.  What's he done now?  Well, he'd twisted his foot!  Doing what? Goodness only knows, but ligament and tendon had become intertwined somehow which resulted in some sort of injection and an untwisting of the offending parts! He assured me that he'll still be participating in the parade tomorrow thankfully but I'll bet the army are glad to see the back of him for a week - he's caused them nothing but trouble since he arrived! 

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Unhappy chappy :-(

Well, he's not a happy chappy!  Connor's really disappointed that his Platoon have failed the drill test.  It seems that some of the recruits are struggling to differentiate between left and right but I guess they're all tired by now so it's not surprising really.  I'm sure it will all be sorted out in time for the Passing-in Parade on Friday. 

I'm getting really excited about the parade and seeing Connor.  He seems to be looking forward to having some lie-ins, bless him.  He says he's absolutely exhausted and I think it's getting to all of them now, with lots of bickering and falling out.  I guess they're all ready for a break.  Get ready Mums because the washing will be coming home with the boys on Friday!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Back to work!

I switched my mobile on this morning, only to discover (with huge disappointment) that I'd missed a phone call from Connor last night!  Luckily, he called again this evening with lots of news. 

Although his nose is still sore, his black and swollen eyes are back to normal now and his nose looks just as it did before, which is a huge relief!  He ignored the request from his medical centre not to return to normal duties for at least four weeks and is now fully engaged in all activities.  Last weekend, whilst John and I were living it up in Clitheroe in our cosy caravan, Connor was out on exercise in the Yorkshire countryside, sleeping under a piece of cloth in a wet, cold and very muddy forest!  If you recall, the weather last Friday and Sunday was absolutely dreadful and the platoon had been required to crawl on their bellies in the mud!  Of course, this was all part of the fun for Connor. 

His platoon have a big inspection tomorrow so he was in the middle of ironing and organising his uniform when he called.  He says that normally the recruits are busy from 4:30 to 5:00 am through to 23:00 to 23:30, so it's long days for them - keeps them out of trouble though I guess!  He's really looking forward to the Passing In Parade on the 15th and to coming home for a week and I'm really excited about the prospect of seeing him.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Ten days and counting...

Well, it's only ten days until the Passing-in Parade and until Connor comes back home.  I can barely wait to see him, although I'm not really sure what to expect when I do.  I don't seem to be able to get the image of Barry McGuigan out of my mind, or at least Barry McGuigan's nose!  Dad says I should just expect to see Connor as Connor always is, only just with a wonky nose. 

I haven't heard from him since the last post, and I know some of you have been checking back regularly so I'm sorry that there's no more exciting news.  I texted him a couple of days ago asking him to contact me when he's allowed to and when he has time, so maybe either he isn't allowed, he doesn't have time, or possibly he just doesn't have any credit on his phone.  Who knows?  As soon as I hear anything, you can be sure that I'll pass it on :-D

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Message from Connor

I have a message from Connor who rang last night to organise arrangements for me to attend his Passing In Parade on 15th October. 

He said I'm to tell everyone that 8 Platoon (Connor's platoon) beat 7 Platoon (Jack's platoon) in a sports competition and that even though 7 Platoon won the odd challenge, 8 Platoon scooped the overall winners title in the end. 

Given that Connor didn't even participate in the event I'm not sure of the relevance of this little nugget of information, but in any case he was extremely delighted with the result and I think it's probably more of a dig at his friend Jack than anything else! Sorry about that Jack :-) 

Friday, 24 September 2010

Still smiling despite the setback

Connor sounds much better this evening.  He was given three sets of dressings for his nose but has dispensed with these already even though they were supposed to last three weeks! 

He's rather bored at the moment as he's still not allowed to participate in many of the activities.  Tomorrow, the regiment are going paintballing and wall climbing and, of course, Connor's not allowed to join in.  He got himself really excited today when he was told he could go with his regiment to PT (physical training), but his hopes were dashed as he was told that yes he could go, no he couldn't join in, and yes he could sit and watch!  As many of you know, Connor's not one to sit around doing nothing and is finding it extremely frustrating. 

He is in very good spirits though and is determined to carry on regardless, despite the teasing he's receiving from senior ranks who are trying to convince him that his injuries and the fact he still has no boots are omens that he's not cut out for the armed forces.  They seem impressed by the fact that he's coming out of it smiling though. 

I feel much happier having spoken to him tonight.  He sounds far less nasally than he did at the beginning of the week, the pain he was in has subsided, he's very positive and is looking forward to the Passing In Parade on 15th October after which he comes home on leave.  I, for one, will be really pleased to see him.  Twenty days and counting...

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Little Trooper!

The nose is fixed, at last!  It was quite gruelling by all accounts as Connor is resistant to local anaesthetic and so, unfortunately, felt quite a lot of the procedure.  I barely slept a wink all night, worrying about him but, as John pointed out, had anything untoward occurred during the operation or during the night, someone would've been in touch.  That's hardly been a comfort to me throughtout today as I've waited and waited to receive a text or a brief telephone call but I needn't have worried - my poor disfigured soldier was out all night on manouevres!  Yes, despite advice to the contrary, Connor decided to join the rest of his regiment on a night-time exercise.  You've got to hand it to him, when he puts his mind to something there's no stopping him!

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Pre-op info

There's some things a Mum is better off not knowing.  I've just had a step-by-step account of the procedure for Connor's nose-job tomorrow and I have to say I now feel thoroughly sick!  He tells me, although I'm not sure whether to believe him or not, that they will be carrying out the operation under local anaesthetic!  The last time he had local anaesthetic he was immune to it and felt everything!  According to Connor, they're unable to do a general because they are working on an airway, but I'm no surgeon so can only take his word for it.  So, tomorrow, 9.45am, local anaesthetic, installation of a metal rod in each passageway, hoovering out of debris followed by resetting!  It doesn't sound at all pleasant to me.  Connor, of course, thinks it's highly hilarious!  His exact words were "'s funny.  It'll just hurt for a bit and then it'll be done, it's nothing to worry about."  That's Connor for you! 

No fun for the injured soldier

I've received a text message from Connor this morning telling me how bored he is as everyone else has gone paintballing and quad-biking and he's not allowed to join in because of his injury.  Even worse, he has to sit and watch them all having fun!  Just as well really, given how accident prone he is.  Had he been able to participate we may have been looking at something worse than just a broken nose!  Let's hope he won't get discharged before he even qualifies.  I asked about how disfigured his nose is.  He reports that it's very wonky and he can't breathe through it too well.  His hospital appointment is on Monday so as soon as I have further information I will pass it on. 

Friday, 17 September 2010

Never rains but it pours!

It seems that Connor's nose is so badly damaged that the army medics are unable to fix it.  An appointment will be made for him to visit a specialist in York next week sometime! Other than this minor setback, he's back on rifle activities and reports that everything's going well for him.  It's a good job that he's a tough cookie and can take it all in his stride. Me on the other hand, well, I've found it difficult to sleep at all this week worrying about him.  Kieran found it highly amusing that I was upset that Connor couldn't have painkillers.  He bluntly reminded me that wars can't be paused every time a soldier is injured just for the sake of administering paracetomol.  Point taken!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Update on the nose breakage

Apparently the tissue is so badly damaged that they are currently unable to make an assessment of how best to fix it so we're having to wait another couple of days before they can make a decision.  Will post back here when I have further information, but in the meantime, the message from Connor is that he's okay.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Broken nose!

Connor's broken his nose!  He was made to ring me and let me know it's nothing to worry about.  Nothing to worry about!!  Easy for them to say.  He was out on a rifle exercise when he set off running and the recruit behind him trod on the back of his heel.  Connor hit the ground face down, rifle and all, and his nose has completely snapped.  He was keen to tell me about the amount of blood that he lost and said he's not permitted to take any painkillers, something to do with not being allowed to have drugs in his system or something.  I'm not sure that can be right, poor thing must be in agony.  The medic had requested that he remain in the medical centre overnight but, of course, he preferred to return to his mates in the barracks.  He'll be having an assessment at 10.30 tomorrow morning to assess the course of action for repairing the break.  They'd prefer to fix it without operating if they can but they won't know until the swelling has subsided. So much for the paintballing and quad-biking at the weekend.  I don't imagine he'll be participating in any of that.  He's relieved from all duties, including drill, but is allowed to iron!  Ha ha, perhaps I should send him my week's worth to keep him busy :-)

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

The boot issue resolved.

Finally got to the bottom of the issue with the boots!  For those of you who don't know, Connor used to play quite a bit of hockey.  As a consequence of his injuries, his feet have become wider than the standard issue army boot which means he now has to have boots and trainers made especially for him.  He's had to have his feet filmed whilst on a treadmill at walking, marching and running speed to capture the way his feet move in each situation, so that his boots and trainers can be made to fit perfectly!  I think he feels quite a celebrity as he's the only one that they've had to do this for (typical!).

It's been a physically busy week with frequent drill sessions and swimming tests and he's looking forward to the weekend when they're paintballing and quad-biking.  Connor tells me that for the first six weeks at least, the evenings and weekends remain as structured as the weekdays, so there's lots of activities for them to do.  It certainly doesn't sound as though he has much free time, if any, as he chuckled to himself when I mentioned free time!

Earlier in these blogs, I mentioned that Connor had gone to the college with two of his friends from school so I asked him if they'd seen much of each other.  Apparently, Jack is on the floor below him in a different platoon and so they haven't seen each other hardly at all.  His other friend, whose name I don't know, is in the same platoon as Connor but in a different section and so they see each other a little more often but still rarely.

He says he's definitely made the right decision in going to the college and is enjoying himself and although at least half a dozen recruits have pulled out in the first couple of weeks, he doesn't feel too homesick and is happy to just get on with it.  It was great to speak to him.  He sounds very confident, relaxed and happy and I'm really very proud of him.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Sneaky phone call

Connor made a sneaky (unauthorised) phone call home last night in response to a text that I'd sent asking how he was getting on.  I'd only sent a text because I thought it would be pretty inocuous and that he could respond as and when he was able.  The signal was pretty awful and I could barely hear him although I heard enough to realise that there is some problem with his boots - he has to have them made specially so he doesn't have any yet and doesn't know when they'll arrive.  This seemed to be quite a concern for him for some reason but I couldn't really get to the bottom of it because the line was crackling and breaking up as he was trying to talk to me.  He said he'll be in touch again when he's allowed another phone call.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

First contact from Connor

Connor rang briefly last night.  Apparently, they're allowed an hour to phone home, although I'm not sure how frequently.  He's settled in fine but has had trouble sleeping - new bed, new pillow, and he's sharing with eleven other guys.

They'd been in the lecture theatre all day learning about military law and health and safety, which just isn't his thing at all.  He likes to be active and I imagine that would've been hard going for him. 

The most exciting thing he reported was that he'd just got all soaped up in the shower and an officer came in, shouting at the men to be outside, lined up within 30 seconds or whatever, so poor Connor ended up outside with only his towel wrapped round him.  Of course, this was clearly the highlight of his day!  Certainly sounds like he's having fun anyway.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Goodbye and Good Luck!

Well, today's the day.  My baby has flown the nest and is on his way to his new life at the Army Training College.  I wish that I'd been able to take him there but his Dad really wanted to do it and as it happens it's probably for the best because I would only have been upset and then he'd have been embarrassed and so on.  He's not allowed any contact with home now for the next six weeks after which time he comes home on leave for a week.  It should coincide roughly with half-term week.  It's not so bad for him really as he's going with two other local lads who he went to school with.  They've also gone into the fusiliers so at least he shouldn't feel too lonely.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Success at last!

There I was, sitting in the hairdressers at lunchtime when my phone bleeped to announce an incoming text.  I so was not expecting it to be Connor telling me the fantastic news that he'd passed all of his tests and had been offered a place in the training college!  I lept up out of my chair like a thing possessed, goodness knows what the customers in the hairdressers thought!  I'm so excited, I can't even begin to describe how I feel. 

Apparently, the recruits had been up all last night having a pillow fight with the officers and were so wide awake that they decided to make a start on today's tests at 3am!  It was all done and dusted by lunchtime which was great for Connor as it meant he could go and start his holiday in Scotland with his aunty and her family and I know he'd been looking forward to that.  He says there's no places left for him in Blues & Royals so he's accepted an offer for the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion, which apparently used to be the Lancashire Fusiliers. He seems happy with that anyway.

Selection in Scotland Day 2

Thankfully, Connor arrived in Scotland without any problems yesterday, apart from the fact that he'd forgotton his tie and ended up having to buy a new one from a store on the station platform!  Doesn't bode well, does it!  He texted me last night to say he's having a great time and to let me know that today he has team tasks, his mile and a half run, a grenade test (whatever that is, I have no idea.  You just pull the pin out and run don't you?), and a final interview.  Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Selection in Scotland Day 1

I'm a nervous wreck!  It's 6.20am and I've been awake for hours worrying about today.  We were up at 5am for John to take Connor to the train station where he's to catch the train to Edinburgh.  The next two days form the final part of the army selection process and hopefully Connor will know by Wednesday whether or not his application has been succesful.  He's never taken a train journey alone before so I'm understandably worried, although he finds it highly amusing!  Hubby's promised to stay with him until he's on the train so I'm sure it'll all be fine.  It seems really well organised I have to say.  The army provided the train tickets and have arranged collection at the other end where I guess there'll be lots of new hopeful recruits.  I think today they'll be doing the medical checks and tomorrow they seem to have physical tasks to do.  Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Knightsbride & Windsor

As Connor's wanting to go in the Blues & Royals, a taster day has been arranged for would-be recruits.  Connor was up at 2am to get the coach down to London.  They've lined up a whole programme of events including a visit to Horse Guard's Parade, Knightsbridge, Windsor and Hyde Park.  Apparently, the soliders ride the horses around Hyde Park in the morning.  I never knew that!  Maybe I have my wires crossed though.  Sounds like a busy day in any case as they're due back later this evening.  Good idea though I thought.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Passed with flying colours!

Great news!  Connor passed his confirmatory interview yesterday with flying colours!  He's so excited.  Apparantly, now he's off to Windsor on the 3rd August, Scotland on 10th August and (hopefully, all being well) Harrogate on 5th September.  Yes!  I'm so excited for him.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Connor's got IDST this week.  Sounds like some awful disease, I know, but actually it's an acronym for something, although I'm not sure what!  In any case, it basically means that he has to do a mile and a half run in under 10 minutes followed by an interview (not on the same day) and a check of his medical records that he's had to obtain from his GP.  If he passes all of these then he'll be off to Scotland for Selection in August. 

Normally, the army suggests that the whole recruitment and selection process takes anything up to six months and encourage new recruits for the army training college to apply the year before they want to enter.  In our case though they've tried as best they can to rush it all through in time for this September.  Even the medical checks from the GP take up to two weeks but apparently, a gentle nudge from Connor's recruitment officer meant that he had his medical report back within the week!  Just goes to show you doesn't it!

Saturday, 12 June 2010

The hardest battle?

So just how does an average mum-of-three decide that it's a good thing to allow her 16 year old son to apply to join the army?  Well, as all his friends and family know, Connor's been in the Air Training Corps for quite a few years now and has managed to work his way up the ranks.  It always seemed inevitable that he'd want to join the armed forces at some stage... but I wasn't expecting the army and I wasn't expecting it just yet! 

For a few years he seemed hell-bent on a career in the RAF but an armed-forces careers event in our local town some months ago put paid to that!  Some well-meaning, but clearly very enthusiastic, recruitment officer managed to convince Connor that his strengths definitely lay with the marines, as it turns out that he's a bit nifty with a firearm.  I wasn't at all happy about it, and told him so, but it wasn't to last long so I needn't have worried really.  Eventually, he decided that the marines wasn't the way to go afterall and settled on a two-year uniformed services college course followed by army training, which appeared to be a far more sensible option and one which I felt much happier about.

Shortly after though, Connor discovered that he could get a bursary from the army for doing the course, and although I thought it seemed a good idea, his Dad didn't agree, understandably not wanting Connor to commit himself to any one of the armed forces at such a young age.  Teenagers being what they are, Connor had a bit of a fall out with his Dad which eventually culminated in papers being signed for him to apply to the Army Training College to start this September!  

The last few days since then have been a bit of a whirlwind with BARB tests to be sat, application forms to be submitted, parental consent to be obtained and medical clearance to be sought.  It seems now, on the surface at least, that the application will be accepted, although we won't know for sure for a few days. 

So, how do I feel?  Apprehensive to say the least, but I've done plenty of research.  I've spoken directly to and had online advice sessions with various people at the Army careers centre.  The MOD website is a mine of information and the careers officers are helpful and approachable.  No question seems too trivial.  I've checked out the Army Foundation College website and also their U-tube site, and I've spoken to people I know who've been in the forces.  At the end of the day, he may be sixteen but it's what he's worked towards over the years.  He's dedicated, motivated and I'm happy that he's going to be working for one of the best employers in the world.  If he's accepted onto the course in September he won't be eligible for active service until the age of eighteen anyway, so the next two years will be spent training and making the most of the plethora of benefits available to him.  I really hope it turns out to be everything he hopes it will be.