Friday, 15 October 2010

Finally! The Passing-In Parade.

Today has been absolutely fantastic!  I was fairly stressed out when I arrived at the training college this morning as the Michelin directions had led me on a wild goose chase around the great British countryside!  I eventually arrived at the college about half an hour prior to the event, although I needn't have worried as they were running late.

After a brief presentation in the theatre (just like a commerical one with a huge screen) we were led outside to stand in the icy wind on the parade ground.  Being such a shorty, I was unable to see above the heads of the crowd and it was some 20 or 30 minutes before I even spotted Connor in amongst his platoon!  Mental note to self - take a step to stand on for the Passing Out Parade in August! 

I thought I'd participate in the guided tour of the facilities but as there was only me who signed up for it I decided to let the pour guide off!  By that time however my platoon had disappeared from sight, so I was really lucky and ended up being personally escorted through the barracks by a very pleasant corporal!  I'd like to say that this was the highlight of my day, but seeing Connor in his uniform with his platoon, looking every bit at home, really made my day.     

He's very tired and is junk-food starved, so the first thing we did on the way home was to stop at a burger bar for burgers, chips and coke!  (Sorry Grandma if he didn't eat all his tea!)  I imagine that a few hours on a comfy sofa with the central heating on and he'll be away in the land of nod in no time.

Note for diaries - the BBC have been filming the Company and the programme is due to air at the end of October.  The army have said that they'll let us know when it's due to air.  When I have further information I'll pass it on, so keep checking back!

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