Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Connor's got IDST this week.  Sounds like some awful disease, I know, but actually it's an acronym for something, although I'm not sure what!  In any case, it basically means that he has to do a mile and a half run in under 10 minutes followed by an interview (not on the same day) and a check of his medical records that he's had to obtain from his GP.  If he passes all of these then he'll be off to Scotland for Selection in August. 

Normally, the army suggests that the whole recruitment and selection process takes anything up to six months and encourage new recruits for the army training college to apply the year before they want to enter.  In our case though they've tried as best they can to rush it all through in time for this September.  Even the medical checks from the GP take up to two weeks but apparently, a gentle nudge from Connor's recruitment officer meant that he had his medical report back within the week!  Just goes to show you doesn't it!

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