Sunday, 19 September 2010

Pre-op info

There's some things a Mum is better off not knowing.  I've just had a step-by-step account of the procedure for Connor's nose-job tomorrow and I have to say I now feel thoroughly sick!  He tells me, although I'm not sure whether to believe him or not, that they will be carrying out the operation under local anaesthetic!  The last time he had local anaesthetic he was immune to it and felt everything!  According to Connor, they're unable to do a general because they are working on an airway, but I'm no surgeon so can only take his word for it.  So, tomorrow, 9.45am, local anaesthetic, installation of a metal rod in each passageway, hoovering out of debris followed by resetting!  It doesn't sound at all pleasant to me.  Connor, of course, thinks it's highly hilarious!  His exact words were "'s funny.  It'll just hurt for a bit and then it'll be done, it's nothing to worry about."  That's Connor for you! 

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