Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Success at last!

There I was, sitting in the hairdressers at lunchtime when my phone bleeped to announce an incoming text.  I so was not expecting it to be Connor telling me the fantastic news that he'd passed all of his tests and had been offered a place in the training college!  I lept up out of my chair like a thing possessed, goodness knows what the customers in the hairdressers thought!  I'm so excited, I can't even begin to describe how I feel. 

Apparently, the recruits had been up all last night having a pillow fight with the officers and were so wide awake that they decided to make a start on today's tests at 3am!  It was all done and dusted by lunchtime which was great for Connor as it meant he could go and start his holiday in Scotland with his aunty and her family and I know he'd been looking forward to that.  He says there's no places left for him in Blues & Royals so he's accepted an offer for the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion, which apparently used to be the Lancashire Fusiliers. He seems happy with that anyway.

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